Sunday, August 28, 2022

Health Matters

 Health Matters 1 

Symtoms are those sensations whose make the people feel bad and sick, are signals that indicate something is wrong in our body.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Health Matters

 Health Matters 0

Health is an important matter in human beings, we need to take care of ourselves because we're important and our lives are valuable, for that reason, we should show concern and offer help to others people's life who need medical attention. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

How culture changes over time

 Lilia's Youth

Cater: Soooo... Hey Lilia, Can I ask you something?

Lilia: Ehe, go ahead.

Cater: What is your best youth memory? I mean, you're still young but you know about so many things.

Lilia: Hmm... Let me see. Well, I'm always good at babysitting, so I can always remeber when I was caring a child, he was always respectful and never said 'no' to an adult like me. 

Cater: Really? Don't tell me (I think he is making me a prank)

Lilia: Yep, just like I said. And teens were more responsible than now. Did you know that teens before nowdays, were the best at school and never get distracted? Because in those days, cellphones and internet didn't exist, so they can do a lot of things in their free time.

Cater: ... Yeeeahhh... Sure. 

Lilia: I miss those days when I see babys faces full of joy, remembering it makes me feel like a father again. Somehow, children nowdays have interesting and good things too.  I still feeling the same, I can always repeat my babysitting era again and again and never get tired of it, learning about new geenerations, but somehow I'm still old-fashioned, don't you think? Ehe

Cater: Lilia.. I know you like telling jokes to people, but this seem like you really lived in that era. 

Lilia: Well, yeah, my story happened so long ago, maybe about a century ago but it doesn't mean that I couldn't remember it all of the details.

Cater: (Wait...Really, how truly old is Lilia?)

Cater (Left) - Lilia (Right)

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Cultural Awareness

 Cultural Awareness

In the world there's different countries and cultures that we didn't even aware of, that's why we make a lot of mistakes when we travel around the world to a different place. For that, we have to learn how to RESPECT other cultures and be more informed about countries and people. 

We have some actions that can help us to get better(or get worse ) at our cultural awareness and manners:

Etiquette: Rules for polite behavior in society or in a particular group.

Cultural literacy: Knowing about and respecting the culture of others.

Table manners: Rules for polite behavior when eating with other people.

Punctuality: The habit of being on time.

Impolite: Not polite, rude.

Offensive: Extremely rude or impolite.

Customary: Usual or traditional in a particular culture.

Taboo: Not allowed because of very strong cultural or religious rules.


  • Heartslabyul dorm loves the ETIQUETTE at tea parties.
  • Rook always try to improve his CULTURAL LITERACY with his classmates, so he can admire the beautifulness in every difference between each culture.

  • Usagi doesn't know about TABLE MANNERS.

  • In Japan, PUNCTUALITY is highly respected, so Kiku is very PUNCTUAL.

  • Arthur and Francis are very IMPOLITE each other.

  • Muslim people think that use a Mahoma image is OFFENSIVE.

  • In Switzerland is CUSTOMARY to eat fondue at "Friends day".

  • Jewish people consider TABOO eat pork.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Practice Exercise #2

 Topics: Describe a busy schedule, Past perfect, Time expressions, Intensifiers.

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.



 Sub-topics: Describe a busy schedule.

Intensifiers are adverbs or adverbial phrases that make adjectives have stronger meaning of expressions and show emphasis.

Intensifiers can be more or less based on a scale:

Low                                                                                 High
  Pretty    ➻❥    So   ➻❥   Really    ➻❥   Incredibly   ➻❥   Unbelievably


  • Usagi is PRETTY hungry.
  • Nanami is SO tired.
  • Sailor moon and rei are REALLY angry.
  • Chun Li is INCREDIBLY happy.
  • Luci is UNBELIEVABLY busy.

We can use intensifiers to DESCRIBE A BUSY SCHEDULE in a better way.

There are more intensifiers for a lot of different situations, so we have a lot of combinations with sentences and expressions using intensifiers!

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Friday, August 19, 2022

Describe a busy schedule

Describe a Busy Schedule

Sub-topics: Past Perfect (Grammar), Past participle (verbs), Time expressions.

Busy people ALWAYS have a lot of things to do all day, especially when others add more things to do... For that reason, most people have a schedule to help themselves to put a little more order along their day.

For example, I'm going to describe the agenda of Sebastian Michaelis, a victorian butler:

All the actions were realized in one day, as you can see the grammar is in present, but what if it's now 8:00 PM? So, we are going to describe those activities using past and PAST PARTICIPLE in order to achieve describe a busy schedule.

Time expressions

 Time expressions or Mark expressions

Sub-topics: Past perfect

Time expressions are used to define the order of the actions , what happened first, what happened second, what is happening right now, etc and usually are used with the past perfect tense.

Here we got some common time expressions:

After = Después     Before = Antes    When = Cuando     By = A eso de...       

As soon as = Tan pronto como...  By the time = Al momento de...      Already = Ya    

 Yet = Aún - Todavía

  • When I had taken an aspirin, I felt better.
  • Before we locked the door, we had called a taxi.
  • As soon as it had stopped raining, we took our dog for a walk.
  • By the time the train had left, we reached the railway station
  • After he had seen the accident, he spoke to s poiliceman.

There's some more time expressions, like:

  • AN HOUR AGO she had left
  • TOMORROW is my birthday
  • SOON we'll be at the party

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Grammar

Sub-topics: Past participle (verbs), Time expressions

We use the past perfect to describe an acction that ocurred before a specific time in the past. Past perfect is used to talk about an action which happened BEFORE another action in the PAST.

Example: Lenny had done his homework.
Lenny'd done his homework.


I had = I'd
You had = You'd
She had = She'd
He had = He'd
It had = It'd
They had = They'd
We had = We'd

We can use a timeline to describe the actions:

We need to identify the order of the sentences between simple past and past pasticiple. It's very easy, the PAST PARTICIPLE always happened first and SIMPLE PAST is the second one.

The time expressions that are usually used to identfy both sentences are:

Before = 2. Simple Past - 1. Past Participle
After = 1. Past Participle - 2. Simple Past

Now, we have to form sentences using the timeline examples. Past perfect is formed by:

After + Subject + Aux. Had + Past participle (Verb) + , + Subject + Past simple (verb) + Complement
 Before + Subject + Past simple (verb) + , + Subject + Aux. Had + Past participle (Verb) + Complement

  1. After I had woken up, I had breakfast. or Before I had breakfast, I had woken up.
  2. After I had had breakfast, I took the bus. or Before I took the bus, I had had breakfast.
  3. After I had taken the bus, I arrived to the University. or Before I arrived to the University, I had taken the bus.
  4. After had arrived to the University, english class started. or Before english class started,had arrived to the Univeristy.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Rising intonation - Falling intonation

 Rising intonation and Falling intonation

Sub-topic: Tag Questions

Practice exercise #1

 Topics: Make a small talk - Ask for permission - Tag questions

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Tag Questions

 Tag Questions

Ask for permission

Ask for permission

Sub-topics: Make a small talk

People who have just met usually ASK each other FOR PERMISSION to address as a formal way of respect and etiquette to be formal at work, tourism or travelling.

Some expressions used are:

  • Do you mind if I...?
  • Would it be rude to...?
  • What would you like to be called?
  • How do you prefer to be addressed?
  • Do you use Ms. or Mrs.? (Just for woman)
Juan: Hello, kitty lady! Excuse me, I'm Juan, do you know where the food is? 

Ms.Caterson: Hi, of course I know. Follow me.

Juan: Purrfect! Hey, What's your name?

Ms.Caterson: I'm Carla caterson.

Juan: Oh, do you use Ms. or Mrs?

Ms. Caterson: Hehe. Please call me Ms. Caterson. Nice to meet you Juan.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Friday, August 12, 2022

Make a small talk

Make a small talk

Sub-topics: Ask for permission and Tag Questions

People usually use small talks to ask for information, hang out with someone or just for, maybe, make a new friend.

For example:

— Melody: Hi, excuse me. You're new around here, don't you?

— Sweet Piano: Yes! I'm new at this park. I'm searching for flowers, I love the flowers, but I'm a little lost right now.

— Melody: Oh my! Well you see, I know very well this park, I can show you around and help you to find beautiful flowers, can't I?

— Sweet Piano: Oh but of course you can!, that will be wonderful, thanks! By the way, my name is sweet piano. Nice to meet you!

— Melody: Nice to meet you too, my name is melody.

— Sweet Piano: Would it be rude if I call you Mel?

— Melody: Absolutely no, please do. Well, we better go to find those flowers, don't we?

— Sweet Piano: Yeah, let's go!


MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸


About Me

Hi my new friend, please let me introduce myself    

My name is María Gabriela Morales Sierra, I'm 19 years old and I'm majoring in Multimedia Engineering at Simón Bolívar University. 

I live in Barranquilla, Colombia at Ciudadela 20 de Julio neighborhood.
I love watching anime, read manga and play videogames, you can say that I'm a "otaku" and geek. I can write a LAAAARGE list of my favorite animes, games and more... But that will be for another day.

My favorite colors are purple, green and blue

I love arts, like drawing, painting and 3D modeling. I enjoy drawing a lot and I'm trying to improve my inner artistic talent. 
I'm a little shy... well, VERY shy at first sight and a little introvert, but I'm a very funny person and I'm very friendly, You can count with me!

Hmmm... What else can I say about myself?
I think I'm a BIG fan of the otome games, shoujo animes and 2D male characters hehehe ❤.

Finally I would like to say I enjoy listening to all kinds of music, my taste is very weird, isn't it?.

Thanks for reading. 

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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Usagi HATES english...

Usagi HATES english...