Friday, August 12, 2022

About Me

Hi my new friend, please let me introduce myself    

My name is María Gabriela Morales Sierra, I'm 19 years old and I'm majoring in Multimedia Engineering at Simón Bolívar University. 

I live in Barranquilla, Colombia at Ciudadela 20 de Julio neighborhood.
I love watching anime, read manga and play videogames, you can say that I'm a "otaku" and geek. I can write a LAAAARGE list of my favorite animes, games and more... But that will be for another day.

My favorite colors are purple, green and blue

I love arts, like drawing, painting and 3D modeling. I enjoy drawing a lot and I'm trying to improve my inner artistic talent. 
I'm a little shy... well, VERY shy at first sight and a little introvert, but I'm a very funny person and I'm very friendly, You can count with me!

Hmmm... What else can I say about myself?
I think I'm a BIG fan of the otome games, shoujo animes and 2D male characters hehehe ❤.

Finally I would like to say I enjoy listening to all kinds of music, my taste is very weird, isn't it?.

Thanks for reading. 

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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Usagi HATES english...

Usagi HATES english...