Friday, August 26, 2022

Cultural Awareness

 Cultural Awareness

In the world there's different countries and cultures that we didn't even aware of, that's why we make a lot of mistakes when we travel around the world to a different place. For that, we have to learn how to RESPECT other cultures and be more informed about countries and people. 

We have some actions that can help us to get better(or get worse ) at our cultural awareness and manners:

Etiquette: Rules for polite behavior in society or in a particular group.

Cultural literacy: Knowing about and respecting the culture of others.

Table manners: Rules for polite behavior when eating with other people.

Punctuality: The habit of being on time.

Impolite: Not polite, rude.

Offensive: Extremely rude or impolite.

Customary: Usual or traditional in a particular culture.

Taboo: Not allowed because of very strong cultural or religious rules.


  • Heartslabyul dorm loves the ETIQUETTE at tea parties.
  • Rook always try to improve his CULTURAL LITERACY with his classmates, so he can admire the beautifulness in every difference between each culture.

  • Usagi doesn't know about TABLE MANNERS.

  • In Japan, PUNCTUALITY is highly respected, so Kiku is very PUNCTUAL.

  • Arthur and Francis are very IMPOLITE each other.

  • Muslim people think that use a Mahoma image is OFFENSIVE.

  • In Switzerland is CUSTOMARY to eat fondue at "Friends day".

  • Jewish people consider TABOO eat pork.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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