Friday, August 19, 2022

Time expressions

 Time expressions or Mark expressions

Sub-topics: Past perfect

Time expressions are used to define the order of the actions , what happened first, what happened second, what is happening right now, etc and usually are used with the past perfect tense.

Here we got some common time expressions:

After = Después     Before = Antes    When = Cuando     By = A eso de...       

As soon as = Tan pronto como...  By the time = Al momento de...      Already = Ya    

 Yet = Aún - Todavía

  • When I had taken an aspirin, I felt better.
  • Before we locked the door, we had called a taxi.
  • As soon as it had stopped raining, we took our dog for a walk.
  • By the time the train had left, we reached the railway station
  • After he had seen the accident, he spoke to s poiliceman.

There's some more time expressions, like:

  • AN HOUR AGO she had left
  • TOMORROW is my birthday
  • SOON we'll be at the party

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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