Saturday, August 27, 2022

Health Matters

 Health Matters 0

Health is an important matter in human beings, we need to take care of ourselves because we're important and our lives are valuable, for that reason, we should show concern and offer help to others people's life who need medical attention. 

Dental emergencies: 

Go to the dentist is always, according to most of people, an unnerving experience...

Some TERRIBLE dental emergencies are:

Red or swollen gums

A broken tooth

A loose tooth 


When you're on a trip or travelling far from home, and suddenly get a dental emergency (or any other), it's better to see a dentist inmediately, it can get worse!

You can heard or use the following expressions for that:

As soon as possible (ASAP) ⮆ Right away

Make an appointment ⮆ Making time for an appointment

Fitting me in ⮆ Arrange time to come

Killing me ⮆ Causing a lot of pain 

Let's see what's going on ⮆ What the problem is

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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