Saturday, August 20, 2022



 Sub-topics: Describe a busy schedule.

Intensifiers are adverbs or adverbial phrases that make adjectives have stronger meaning of expressions and show emphasis.

Intensifiers can be more or less based on a scale:

Low                                                                                 High
  Pretty    ➻❥    So   ➻❥   Really    ➻❥   Incredibly   ➻❥   Unbelievably


  • Usagi is PRETTY hungry.
  • Nanami is SO tired.
  • Sailor moon and rei are REALLY angry.
  • Chun Li is INCREDIBLY happy.
  • Luci is UNBELIEVABLY busy.

We can use intensifiers to DESCRIBE A BUSY SCHEDULE in a better way.

There are more intensifiers for a lot of different situations, so we have a lot of combinations with sentences and expressions using intensifiers!

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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