Saturday, August 13, 2022

Tag Questions

 Tag Questions

Use to confirm information you already think is true or to ncourage someone to make a small talk with you.

When the statement is AFFIRMATIVE, the tag question is NEGATIVE, and when the statement is NEGATIVE, the tag is AFFIRMATIVEUse the same verb tense or modal in the tag question as in the main statement.

Modal verb: Ann would like Quito, wouldn't she? 
Ann wouldn't like Quite, would she?


Affirmative Statement 

You're Lee, aren't you?

She speaks Thai, doesn't she?

He's going to drive, isn't he?

They'll be here later, won't they?

There isn't any sugar, is there?

You were there, weren't you?

They left, didn't they?

It's been a great day, hasn't it?

They can hear me, can't they?

Negative Statement

You're not Amy, are you?

I don't know you, do I?

We're not going to eat here, are we?

It won't be long, will it?

He wasn't driving, was he?

We didn't know, did we?

She hasn't been here long, has she?

You wouldn't do that, would you?

He can't speak Japanese, can he?

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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Usagi HATES english...

Usagi HATES english...