Friday, September 30, 2022

Vocabulary: Services


Services are those jobs and persons that helps us almost everyday when we need them.

1. Dry-clean (a suit) = Lavado en seco.

2. Repair shoes = Reparo de zapatos.

A shoemaker is who repairs the shoes

3. Frame a picture = Enmarcado de una foto.

4. Deliver a package = Entrega de paquete.

5.1 Lengthen (a skirt) = Alargar ropa.

The person who does this is a Tailor

5.2 Shorten (a skirt) = Recortar ropa.

6. Print (a sign) = Imprimir una señal/ letrero.

7. Copy (a report) = Fotocopiar.

 MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

The Causative 2

 The Causative with MAKE - LET

Sub-topic: The Causative with GET - HAVE.

According with "The Causative 1" we also have other verbs that can be used in the caustive structure and give to the sentence a different meaning.

The first one is the verb "MAKE", the causative make is used to express the idea that one person forces another to do something. The causative with "MAKE" is not an incitation, it's an obligation.

Subject + MAKE (Made) + Object + Base form of the verb + Complement

  • They MAKE their kids finish their homework before dinner.
  • She MADE him sign the form.
  • The U MADE us buy the plattform.
  • The policeman HAS MADE them show their IDs.

The second verb is "LET", is used to indicate that a permission is being given to do something. The causative with "LET" it's a synoym to PERMIT.


Subject + LET + Object + Base form of the verb + Complement


  • My boss LET me take the day off.
  • I don't LET my children stay out after 9:00 pm.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Practice Exercise #4

Topics: Offer a solution, The causative, Ways to indicate acceptance.

Sub-topics: Procrastination

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Offer a solution: Ways to indicate acceptance

 Ways to indicate acceptance

Sub-topic: Offer a solution

Sometimes things don't go as we expected, that's why we have to learn ACCEPT the situation and find another solution.

Shouko wants to ask you a favor... but you can't do it.

Expressions to indicate acceptance:

No problem  No hay probelma.

I understand  Entiendo.

No worries  Sin preocupaciones / No te preocupes.

Don't worry about it ⇨ No te preocupes por ello.

Shouko accepts your refusal and thanks you. 

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

The Causative 1

 The Causative with GET - HAVE

Sub-Topic: Offer a solution

This structure is for cases when you "cause" someone to do something you can't,  is similar to the PASSIVE VOICE but this is very different. We DON'T DO the action, but we CAUSE or PERSUADE another person DO IT for us or someone else.


We use the verb "GET" and it can be used in all the tenses and structures. And also we use the infinitive form of the verb.

Subject + Get (Gets, got, gotten) + Object + Infinitive form of the verb + Complement.

For this case the object is the person who DOES the action for the subject.


  • The U GOT the students TO BUY the plattform.
  • My sister GETS her children TO WASH the dishes.
  • I'll GET the waiter TO CORRECT the check.
  • DID she GET her friends TO GIVE money to the school?
Also, we can use "HAVE" and the base form of the verb and still meaning the same.

Subject + Have (Has, had) + Object + Base form of the verb + Complement.

  • The U HAD the students BUY the plattform.
  • My sister HAS her children WASH the dishes.
  • I'll HAVE the waiter CORRECT the check.
  • DID she HAVE her friends GIVE money to the school?

There is more causative verbs that we can use:

Tenses of the causative:

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Friday, September 23, 2022

Getting things done: Procrastination


Sub-Topic: Getting things done

When we pospon respnsabilities, delay something or we're lazy about doing something important; we are procrastinators. It's a bad attitude and often it requires medical treatment.

Luckly, sometimes we have someone who helps us to do all those things that we are skipping.


I know this is last minute: There isn't a lot of time to do something.🖛 Sé que es de último momento.

It's really urgent: You need something A.S.AP. 🖛 Es muy urgente.

You're a lifesaver / I owe you one: You want to express gratitude for a favor. 🖛 Me salvaste la vida / Te debo una.

No sweat: You want to assure someone that a request is no problem for you. 🖛 Sin problema.

I won't keep you any longer: You don't want to take too much of someone's time. 🖛 No te seguiré molestando.

You've got a lot on your plate: You can see someone is really busy. 🖛 Tienes demasiado trabajo.

  • Borrow: Pedir prestado.
  • Lend: Prestar.


*Usagi: Good morning Amy!

-Amy: Oh, Hi Usagi. How are you today?

*Usagi: I'm really tired and hungry, I oversleep and I almost arrive late. 

-Amy: Well at least, I guess you did your homework , didn't you?

*Usagi: ... 

-Amy: ...

*Usagi: WAAhawaahaha, it can't be! I forgot that. Amy please, I know this is last minute, but please, can you do my homerwork for me before class? You know it's really urgent.

-Amy: Usagi, I can't believe it. You know that right now ...

*Usagi. I know! I know! I know! You've got a lot on your plate with all your seminars stuff. But I won't keep you any longer, my homework isn't too difficult.

-Amy: *Sigh* Ok Usagi, no sweat on this. I'll help, BUT this is the last time, you need to be more responsible.

*Usagi: Waaaa thank you thank you, Amy! You're my lifesaver. And now I owe you one, ask me whatever you want.


MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Practice Exercise #3.2

Topics: Make a medical or dental appointment, May/Might , Be able to.

Sub-Topics: Talk about medications, Descrbing Symtoms, Prescription

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Practice Exercise #3.1

Topics: Make a medical or dental appointment, May/Might , Be able to.

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Medical Procedures

Vocabulary: Medical  Procedures.

Sub-Topics: Make a medical or dental appointment.

Medical procedures are actions that help to delivery a healthcare, if we think something is wrong in our body or maybe we  just want to check our health periodically, we take a medical procedure.

1. A Checkup / An examination.

2. A shot / An injection.

3. An EKG / An electrocardiogram.

4. An X-ray.

5. A blood test.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Friday, September 2, 2022

Modal Verbs 2: Will Be Able To - Might - May

Will Be Able To - Might - May

Sub-Topics:  Must,  Make a medical or dental appointment.

As you can remeber in the modal verb 'MUST', we have other useful modal verbs:

We use 'WILL BE ABLE TO' (estar en la capacidad de... / Ser capaz de...) to be secure of a future ability, WILL BE ABLE TO could be replaced by others modal verbs like 'CAN' or 'COULD', even we wan skip 'BE ABLE TO'  .

Subject + WILL BE ABLE TO + Verb in base form + Complement.

  • The nurse WILL BE ABLE TO come in five minutes. =The nurse WILL come in five minutes = The nurse CAN come in five minutes.

And we have the negative form:

Subject + WILL NOT BE ABLE TO + Verb in base form + Complement.
  • The secretary WON'T (WILLNOT) BE ABLE TO assist you at this time. = The secretary WON'T assist you at this time = The secretary can't assist you at this time.

To express a posibility we use 'MAY' or 'MIGHT', both mean the same:

Subject + MIGHT / MAY + Verb in base form + Complement
  • Carla MIGHT (MAY) pass her exam.


Subject + MAY (MIGHT) NOT + Verb in base form + Complement.
  • Carla MAY NOT pass her exam.

Modal verbs can be used with BE ABLE TO, MIGHT / MAY for posibilities and MUST for drawing conclusions, as we already have learned:

  • The nurse MUST BE ABLE TO come in five minutes, she say so.
  • The secretary MAY BE ABLE TO assist you at this time.
  • Carla MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO pass her exam.
  • I MUST NOT BE ABLE TO reject a good food.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Practice Exercise #3.0

Topics: Talk about medications, Must, Showing concern and offering help.

Sub-topics: Prescription, Symtoms

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Modal Verbs 1: MUST

 Drawing conclusions with: MUST

(NOTE: Remember, a modal verb is a word that modifies other verbs)

Use the modal MUST  to draw a conclusion and indicate that you think something is probably true.

Must = Deber - Deberías.

Structure (Affirmative): 

Subject + MUST + Verb ib base form + Complement

Example: A: I haven't done my homework yet. And it's for tomorrow!
               B: You must start it right now then! I will help you.

Structure (Negative):  

Subject + MUST + NOT + Verb ib base form + Complement

Example: A: Hey, how about to play videogames right now?

               B: We must not play at this hour! It's almost midnight and tomorrow we have classes. Let's go to bed instead.

               B: Boring.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Talk about medications

 Talk about medications

When we are very sick, in pain or uncomfortable with our body and we want a relief, medications are the right options. Medications are medicinal drugs used to cure, treat or prevent medical diseases and most of them are easily available to common people.

Usagi HATES english...

Usagi HATES english...