Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Causative 1

 The Causative with GET - HAVE

Sub-Topic: Offer a solution

This structure is for cases when you "cause" someone to do something you can't,  is similar to the PASSIVE VOICE but this is very different. We DON'T DO the action, but we CAUSE or PERSUADE another person DO IT for us or someone else.


We use the verb "GET" and it can be used in all the tenses and structures. And also we use the infinitive form of the verb.

Subject + Get (Gets, got, gotten) + Object + Infinitive form of the verb + Complement.

For this case the object is the person who DOES the action for the subject.


  • The U GOT the students TO BUY the plattform.
  • My sister GETS her children TO WASH the dishes.
  • I'll GET the waiter TO CORRECT the check.
  • DID she GET her friends TO GIVE money to the school?
Also, we can use "HAVE" and the base form of the verb and still meaning the same.

Subject + Have (Has, had) + Object + Base form of the verb + Complement.

  • The U HAD the students BUY the plattform.
  • My sister HAS her children WASH the dishes.
  • I'll HAVE the waiter CORRECT the check.
  • DID she HAVE her friends GIVE money to the school?

There is more causative verbs that we can use:

Tenses of the causative:

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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