Friday, September 23, 2022

Getting things done: Procrastination


Sub-Topic: Getting things done

When we pospon respnsabilities, delay something or we're lazy about doing something important; we are procrastinators. It's a bad attitude and often it requires medical treatment.

Luckly, sometimes we have someone who helps us to do all those things that we are skipping.


I know this is last minute: There isn't a lot of time to do something.🖛 Sé que es de último momento.

It's really urgent: You need something A.S.AP. 🖛 Es muy urgente.

You're a lifesaver / I owe you one: You want to express gratitude for a favor. 🖛 Me salvaste la vida / Te debo una.

No sweat: You want to assure someone that a request is no problem for you. 🖛 Sin problema.

I won't keep you any longer: You don't want to take too much of someone's time. 🖛 No te seguiré molestando.

You've got a lot on your plate: You can see someone is really busy. 🖛 Tienes demasiado trabajo.

  • Borrow: Pedir prestado.
  • Lend: Prestar.


*Usagi: Good morning Amy!

-Amy: Oh, Hi Usagi. How are you today?

*Usagi: I'm really tired and hungry, I oversleep and I almost arrive late. 

-Amy: Well at least, I guess you did your homework , didn't you?

*Usagi: ... 

-Amy: ...

*Usagi: WAAhawaahaha, it can't be! I forgot that. Amy please, I know this is last minute, but please, can you do my homerwork for me before class? You know it's really urgent.

-Amy: Usagi, I can't believe it. You know that right now ...

*Usagi. I know! I know! I know! You've got a lot on your plate with all your seminars stuff. But I won't keep you any longer, my homework isn't too difficult.

-Amy: *Sigh* Ok Usagi, no sweat on this. I'll help, BUT this is the last time, you need to be more responsible.

*Usagi: Waaaa thank you thank you, Amy! You're my lifesaver. And now I owe you one, ask me whatever you want.


MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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Usagi HATES english...

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