Saturday, September 3, 2022

Practice Exercise #3.2

Topics: Make a medical or dental appointment, May/Might , Be able to.

Sub-Topics: Talk about medications, Descrbing Symtoms, Prescription

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Cells at work - Part 3: Defeat human allergies

(Back to the outside)

The next day...

08:00 o'clock in the morning:

  • Dr.Yen: Hello! Glad to finally meet a friend of my son. My secretary also have already told me about you. I'm Doctor Yen but you can call me Mrs.Yen. 
  • Human: Aa-achoo!* Hello Mrs.Yen, thank you for fitting me in. Yeah I'm Tanaka's friend, he helped me to be here. Cough cough*. 
  • Dr.Yen: I see. Alright, back to the matter. What is the problem?... But as I can see and having into count that we're in spring, I understand you have allergies, right? 
  • Human: Exactly. I've been coughing and right now I'm a little short of breath. My eyes are fill with tears and my nose is stuffy. Usually I don't get worse with my allergies, but since I put an ointment in my nose, I can't stand it anymore, it might be because the ointment.was expired?.
  • Dr.Yen: Wait, did you put an ointment Directly to your nose?
  • Human: Y-yeah? Tanaka told me to do it, I trsuted in him because his mother is a doctor. aA-ACHOO!* Sorry...
  • Dr.Yen: Oh my god Tanaka. What I'm gonna do with you. Look, it's really bad to put an ointment to your nose. In medical affairs, you must not trust so much in Tanaka. He might be a doctor's son, but he don't know about medications. Sorry for that.
  • Human: Don't worry. Sniff sniff* I knew something was wrong.
  • Dr.Yen: I'm going to make a prescription for you, a Right one. A decongestant, apply it twice a day and an antihistamine , the dosage is one each five hours. With those, you may not be able to have any problems with side effects, maybe you may feel a little sleepy.
  • Human: Thank you so much, really. And sorry for the inconvenients. Cough cough* Sorry, I need to leave, I may not delay in get those medication.
  • Dr.Yen: No problem, you're always welcome. Call me or call Tanaka if you feel better. Thanks for coming. 
(Meanwhile, insede of Human body...)

Mast-Cell and B-Cell are mad each other because histamine.

Hours later...

The medication cyborg enters human body

All the cells are confused

Medications starts to destroy everything!, At least it include the pollen allergens

Everyone, RUN!

Several days have passed...

It was difficult, but Human body and his cells have survived the pollen allergens and medications strength.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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Usagi HATES english...

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