Saturday, September 3, 2022

Practice Exercise #3.1

Topics: Make a medical or dental appointment, May/Might , Be able to.

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Cells at work - Part 2: Fighting human allergies

(Back to the outside of Human body):

04:01 pm:

  • Secretary: Hello? Doctor Yen's office. How can I help you?
  • Human: Hello? Sniff* This is... well I'm Tanaka's friend, her mother is Dr.Yen right? I need to make an urgent appointment for a checkup today ... A-a Aaachoo!*
  • Secretary: Are you alright?
  • Human: Yeah yeah sorry. So, Tanaka said that her mother, doctor Yen, may be able to help me.
  • Secretary: Oh yeah, I know him. But right now she might not be able to see you, she is in a meeting at the moment. But let's see if I can fit you in for tomorrow in the morning.
  • Human: Please. Cough cough* I think my allergies may get worse, but I can handle them till tomorrow.
  • Secretary: I hope so. Look! We have a free space here. How about tomorrow at 8:00?
  • Human: Sniff sniff* That would be perfect. Thanks.
  • Secretary: And I can tell Doctor Yen that a friend of her son will be her patient. That might be able to do the things quickly for you.
  • Human: Fantastic. 
  • Secretary: Good, I hope you get better for tomorrow, we'll se you then.
  • Human: Thanks, good bye.
They both hang up the phone.

(Meanwhile inside of human body...)

White blood cell eats a dead pollen allegern to eliminate it (Phagocytosis)

Most pollen allergens keep irritating human body

B-Cell attacks with IgE antibody

Mast Cell (Fat cell) liberates a lot of Histamine

Histamine floods all the systems of human body
To be continue...

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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