Friday, September 30, 2022

The Causative 2

 The Causative with MAKE - LET

Sub-topic: The Causative with GET - HAVE.

According with "The Causative 1" we also have other verbs that can be used in the caustive structure and give to the sentence a different meaning.

The first one is the verb "MAKE", the causative make is used to express the idea that one person forces another to do something. The causative with "MAKE" is not an incitation, it's an obligation.

Subject + MAKE (Made) + Object + Base form of the verb + Complement

  • They MAKE their kids finish their homework before dinner.
  • She MADE him sign the form.
  • The U MADE us buy the plattform.
  • The policeman HAS MADE them show their IDs.

The second verb is "LET", is used to indicate that a permission is being given to do something. The causative with "LET" it's a synoym to PERMIT.


Subject + LET + Object + Base form of the verb + Complement


  • My boss LET me take the day off.
  • I don't LET my children stay out after 9:00 pm.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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