Friday, September 2, 2022

Modal Verbs 2: Will Be Able To - Might - May

Will Be Able To - Might - May

Sub-Topics:  Must,  Make a medical or dental appointment.

As you can remeber in the modal verb 'MUST', we have other useful modal verbs:

We use 'WILL BE ABLE TO' (estar en la capacidad de... / Ser capaz de...) to be secure of a future ability, WILL BE ABLE TO could be replaced by others modal verbs like 'CAN' or 'COULD', even we wan skip 'BE ABLE TO'  .

Subject + WILL BE ABLE TO + Verb in base form + Complement.

  • The nurse WILL BE ABLE TO come in five minutes. =The nurse WILL come in five minutes = The nurse CAN come in five minutes.

And we have the negative form:

Subject + WILL NOT BE ABLE TO + Verb in base form + Complement.
  • The secretary WON'T (WILLNOT) BE ABLE TO assist you at this time. = The secretary WON'T assist you at this time = The secretary can't assist you at this time.

To express a posibility we use 'MAY' or 'MIGHT', both mean the same:

Subject + MIGHT / MAY + Verb in base form + Complement
  • Carla MIGHT (MAY) pass her exam.


Subject + MAY (MIGHT) NOT + Verb in base form + Complement.
  • Carla MAY NOT pass her exam.

Modal verbs can be used with BE ABLE TO, MIGHT / MAY for posibilities and MUST for drawing conclusions, as we already have learned:

  • The nurse MUST BE ABLE TO come in five minutes, she say so.
  • The secretary MAY BE ABLE TO assist you at this time.
  • Carla MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO pass her exam.
  • I MUST NOT BE ABLE TO reject a good food.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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