Friday, September 2, 2022

Practice Exercise #3.0

Topics: Talk about medications, Must, Showing concern and offering help.

Sub-topics: Prescription, Symtoms

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Cells at work - Part 1: The human allergies 

01:30 pm:

  • Human: AaAchoo! Cough-Cough* I'm sorry Tanaka, I think I can't come tomorrow for our class. As you can see I'm not feeling well.
  • Tanaka: Oh my god, of course I see, you must not come tomorrow. But what happened to you man?
  • Human: Well, I'm allergic to pollen, and it's spring already, so it will be a laaaarge season to me. I'm already sneezing, coughing, I have watery eyes, stuffy nose and sometimes I feel short of breath.
  • Tanaka: Oh, I'm sorry man, that must be so difficult. Would you like me to make an appointment? My mother is a doctor, she can help you.
  • Human: Really? Thank you so much! But I can do it by myself, could you give me the number?
  • Tanaka: Yeah, I have already send it to you
  • Human: Thank you. I'll make an apointment right now and then I can have an excuse for tomorrow.
  • Tanaka: Don't worry, I'll tell the teacher about your situation.
  • Human: Achoo!* Sorry, ok... Hey another question, if your mom is a doctor, you must know about some useful medications, aren't you?
  • Tanaka: Uhmmm yes?. Yes! I think that an ointment in your nose will be enough.
  • Human: Ehm are you sure?  Cough cough* I think it must not be like that but I'm really desesperate. Thanks a lot, I need to leave right now. See you later!
  • Tanaka: Call me later! Let me know how you feel! 
04:00 o'clock (evening):

  • Human: Cough cough* Ok, I have already put the ointment in my nose as Tanka says.
  • Human: Now, time to make an appointment, I must not wait another second more.

(Meanwhile, inside of Human body):

A group of White blood cells are chasing after a pollen alergen

A White blood cell defeating a pollen allergen

Red blood cell scared of a pollen allergen


MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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