Thursday, September 1, 2022

Modal Verbs 1: MUST

 Drawing conclusions with: MUST

(NOTE: Remember, a modal verb is a word that modifies other verbs)

Use the modal MUST  to draw a conclusion and indicate that you think something is probably true.

Must = Deber - Deberías.

Structure (Affirmative): 

Subject + MUST + Verb ib base form + Complement

Example: A: I haven't done my homework yet. And it's for tomorrow!
               B: You must start it right now then! I will help you.

Structure (Negative):  

Subject + MUST + NOT + Verb ib base form + Complement

Example: A: Hey, how about to play videogames right now?

               B: We must not play at this hour! It's almost midnight and tomorrow we have classes. Let's go to bed instead.

               B: Boring.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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