Saturday, October 15, 2022

Noun Clauses: Embedded Questions

 Noun clauses: Embedded questions

Sub-topics: Ask about an article

A question can be include in a noun clause. At the beginning of a noun clause, some expresions are used as an introducction to the embedded question:

- Tell me...

- I'd like to know...

- Could you tell me...?

- I can't remember...

- I don't understand...

- I wonder...

- I'm not sure...

- I don't know...

- Do you know...?

There are two ways of questions that can be embedded:

  1. Yes/No questions ➡ Embedded Yes/No questions
Structure: Expression + IF + Subject + (Auxiliary) + Verb + complement


  • Is that magazine interesting ➡ Tell me IF that magazine is interesting.
  • Did he like the article? ➡ I'd like to know IF he liked the article.
  • Have you finished that newspaper? ➡ Could you tell me IF you've finished that newspaper?

     2. Information questions ➡ Embedded information questions

Structure: Expression + Wh question + Subject + (Auxiliary) + Verb + Complement


  • What's the article about? ➡  I can't remember WHAT the article's about.
  • Why have you decided to read it? ➡ I don't understand WHY you've decided to read it.
  • Who's the writer? ➡ I wonder WHO the writer is.
  • Whose magazine is it? ➡ I'm not sure WHOSE magazine it is.
  • When was it written? ➡ I don't know WHEN it was written.
  • Where is the writer from? ➡ Do you know WHERE the writer is from?

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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