Sunday, October 16, 2022

Practice exercise #7

Topics: Ask about an article.

Sub-topics: Noun clauses, Embedded questions.

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Tittle: Don't just read the tittle

Kaito: Oh no...

Miku: O-M-G! Is that what I think it is?

Kaito: Oops, nono hahaha of course not, it's just an... an old newspaper, yes!.

Miku: Hmmm... ok! That's fine.

Kaito: Yeah. Oh right I almost forgot to ask you something.

Miku: Yes?

Kaito: Could you tell me if you've been comfortable these days? Your recent idol career must be really exhausting.

Miku: Oh, not at all. It's true that I can't remeber when we saw each other last time but I'm really happy singing to all my fans! I have the support of many lovable people, specially you!

Kaito: Oh hehe that's nothing. I'm glad you're happy.  And one last thing. You may know that some people out there can say or write things that are not very... nice about you.

Miku: Yeah, I know... but that doesn't mean I'll give up my dreams!

Kaito: I just want you happiness. I don't understand why some people did that...

Miku: Did what?

Kaito: Oh hahaha nothing nothing nevermind! 

Miku: I'd like to know if that "old newspaper" of yours hide something from me.

Kaito: Waaaa I swear that it's not what you thi-.

Miku: Give me that.

Kaito: Noooo, don't read it please.

Miku: Hmmm...

Kaito: I confess I confess! I was reading that popular music magazine and when I was reading it, that article about you showed up. It's so horrible that I couldn't show you and...

Miku: Kaito!

Kaito: Yes?!

Miku: This is not a magazine and this is not even a real article... 

Kaito: Huh?

Miku: Read the entire header, not just the title...

Kaito: Text 2 - ... This text which draws a lot of uhum uhm on a variety of sources... Ohhhhh.

Miku: It's a model text for any school or college test.

Kaito: Now you mention it... I wonder if that text is part of my test form tomorrow...

Miku: Yes, of course it is, dummy! You confused the magazine with your test pages!

Kaito: I see I see, haha so my worries were for nothing.

Miku: I can't believe it. What am I going to do with you?

Kaito: I'm sorry, I was very distracted.

Miku: As always. Huh well, if that's the case, then I got something for you!

Kaito: Really?

Miku: Now I'm famous, the music magazines have been wrtiting about me. And I have A REAL article about me. It says good thing about my music!

Kaito: Really? Do you know which music magazine has it?

Miku: Yeah. The magazine is that popular one you mentioned it, the same you had consfused a few moments. There's one next to you...

Kaito: Oh so that's why I consfused them.

Miku: Silly. Just read it with me...

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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