Thursday, November 10, 2022

The note

 Thank you, Mr. Lora

I enjoyed your classes and I learned a lot from you.
I hope you have wonderful vacations and a Merry Merry Christmas.
See you next year. Thanks a lot.

- M.G.M.S

Vocabulary: Prepare for an emergency

 Prepare for an emergency

When we are face to face to a natural disaster or severe weather, we should be able to protect others and ourselves. For that we have to be prepared for any emergency and do the actions quickly.

Evacuate - Evacuar

To remove all people from an area that is too dangerous.

An emergency - Emergencia / Urgencia

A very dangerous situation that requires inmediate action.

A power outage - Apagón 

An interruption in the flow of electrical power.

A shelter - Refugio

A safe place where people may go when the area they live in has been evacuated.

A first-aid kit - Botiquín

A small box of package containing supplies to treat minor injuries and illnesses.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Saturday, November 5, 2022


 Indirect Speech: Say - Tell

Sub-topics: Direct Speech

As we know "Indirect Speech" is used when you say something that other person said without using the exact words, for this cas we use the verbs "Tell" when we mention the listener in a sentence, and we use "Say" when we don't.

Structure: Subject + SAY / SAID + Infinitive verb + Complement

Structure: Subject + TELL / TOLD + Listeners + Infinitive verb + Complement 


  • The teacher SAID to open our books. (Listeners not mentioned)
  • The teacher TOLD the students to open our books. (Listeners mentioned)
We use SAY and TELL are in the past sentence, the verbs in the indirect statement often changes.

Present → Past

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Verb in past + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + Object + Verb in past + Complement
  • They SAID, "The weather IS awful." → They SAID (that) the weather WAS awful.
Past → Past Perfect

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Had + Past participle verb + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + ObjectHad + Past participle verb + Complement
  • Dan SAID, "We all HAD the flu." → Dan SAID (that) they all HAD had the flu.  
Will → Would 

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Would + Base form verb + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + Object + Would + Base form verb + Complement
  • They SAID, "There WIL be snow tonight." → They SAID (that) there WOULD be snow tonight.
Can → Could

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Could + Base form verb + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + Object  Could + Base form verb + Complement
  • My husband SAID, "You CAN come with me." → My husband SAID (that) I COULD come with him.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Friday, November 4, 2022


 Severe Weather and other Natural Disasters

Natural disasters can be created after a severe weather at specific places and circumstances.

A tornado / A twister.

A hurricane (Atlantic Ocean) / A typhoon (Pacific Ocean).

A flood.

A landslide.

A drought.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Practice exercise #8

Topics: Natural disasters, Indirect Speech, Imperative.

Sub-topics: Direct Speech.

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Indirect Speech: Imperative

 Indirect Speech: Imperative 

Sub-topics: Direct Speech

We use indirect speech to report what someone said without quoting the exact words. It applies mostly to orders. Don't use quotation marks when you write indirect speech.


Affirmative: Order + Infinive verb + Complement.

Negative: Order + Not + Infinitive verb + Complement.

An imperative in direct speech becomes an infinitive in indirect speech.


  • Direct Speech: Peter said, "Be careful if you go out during the storm" / My mom said, "Use an umbrella"

  • Indirect Speech: Peter said to be careful to go out during the storm. / My mom said to use an umbrella.
They said, "Read the weather report" / They said to read the weather report.

She says, "Don't go out without a full tank of gas" / She says not to go out without a full tank of gas.

Change the pronouns in indirect speech as necessary for logic:

Martin said, "Tell me as soon as you know" / Martin told me to tell him as soon as I know.

She told me, "Please call me when you get home" / She told me to call her when I get home.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

Expressions: Natural Disasters

 Natural Disasters

A natural disaster is a situation where humans, animals and enviroment are in danger because the consequences of the natural phenomena: Earthquakes, Blizzards, Tornados, Flood and even pandemic phenomena.

  1. Huge - Enormous: Something or someone is big.
    The Gashadokuro is a huge monster.
    The Gashadokuro is a enormous monster.

  2. Casualties: People who are injured or killed in an event.
    The casualties of the flood.

  3. Property damage: Destruction or harm to buildings, cars, and other things that belong to victims of an event.
    After the tornado, there was a lot of property damage.

  4. Breaking news: Is used to describe the first news reports of an important event that is happening at the present. 
Let's see the breaking news.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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