Saturday, October 29, 2022

Practice exercise #8

Topics: Natural disasters, Indirect Speech, Imperative.

Sub-topics: Direct Speech.

For this section I will make a review of the topics learned through on a exercise using all the structures, vocabulary and more to show my improvement at these topics.

Tittle: Weather Trouble

Feliciano: Hey guys, let's go to Antonio's house! My brother Lovino said, "Just visit the stupid house of Antonio someday" It's the sunny season at Spain!

Ludwig: Are you sure? I don't know. What do you say, Kiku?

Kiku: Well, Mr. Vargas seem to be very excited to visit his brother and Mr. Fernandez. And I heard Spain it's a beautiful place for turism.

Feliciano: Ve~ Yeah, and surely there will be mounts of beer for you two.

Gilbert: Hahahaha. I like the idea of drinking beer as he says. C'mon bro.

Ludwig: Ugh fine. I just hope the weather is warm.


Antonio: Hey~ Romano!

Lovino: Don't call me like that!

Antonio: I'm just kiddin'! Hey, is your brother coming for this season? You know how the weather is for these days, it's not common but I'll announce it on the breaking news in a few hours.

Lovino: I don't belive so. You know how is him. He always says me to visit him anytime byt when I ask him he says, "Oh I'm sorry brother, I'm with Ludwig and frinds..." Blah blah. He never listens to me...

Antonio: Ánimo! Romano. Don't worry He'll come to see you someday. As my abuelita told me to be always opne for surprises.

Lovino: Hmmp, I just now preparing myself to kick my brother's head if I see him and tell him a complete weather forecast.


Antonio: Buenos dias Spain people. We have breaking news. Right now we have a huge storm that is approaching to Madrid. Experts says to not go outside for a few hours and stay safe inside your houses. But beware people, we are recieving some reports that says to have some property damage and casualties.

Stay safe, and repito, don't go outside!


Ludwig: I told you, you idiots. Specially you, Feliciano!

Feliciano: Ve ;C~

Kiku: A-at least Mr. Vargas said to bring raincoats and lunch.

Gilbert: x      x
Feliciano crying, Ludwig holding his brother Gilbert and Kiku eating his lunch... What a lovely evening.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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