Saturday, November 5, 2022


 Indirect Speech: Say - Tell

Sub-topics: Direct Speech

As we know "Indirect Speech" is used when you say something that other person said without using the exact words, for this cas we use the verbs "Tell" when we mention the listener in a sentence, and we use "Say" when we don't.

Structure: Subject + SAY / SAID + Infinitive verb + Complement

Structure: Subject + TELL / TOLD + Listeners + Infinitive verb + Complement 


  • The teacher SAID to open our books. (Listeners not mentioned)
  • The teacher TOLD the students to open our books. (Listeners mentioned)
We use SAY and TELL are in the past sentence, the verbs in the indirect statement often changes.

Present → Past

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Verb in past + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + Object + Verb in past + Complement
  • They SAID, "The weather IS awful." → They SAID (that) the weather WAS awful.
Past → Past Perfect

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Had + Past participle verb + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + ObjectHad + Past participle verb + Complement
  • Dan SAID, "We all HAD the flu." → Dan SAID (that) they all HAD had the flu.  
Will → Would 

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Would + Base form verb + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + Object + Would + Base form verb + Complement
  • They SAID, "There WIL be snow tonight." → They SAID (that) there WOULD be snow tonight.
Can → Could

Structure: Subject + Said + (That) + Object + Could + Base form verb + Complement
Structure: Subject + Told + Listener(s) + (That) + Object  Could + Base form verb + Complement
  • My husband SAID, "You CAN come with me." → My husband SAID (that) I COULD come with him.

MGMS 🌈🌸🌸🌸

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